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1) SUNTOWER (5:18) (Music by S. Roessmann)

2) THE FLOWER (7:31) (Music & lyrics by W. Vollmuth)
   a) The Appearance
   b) Discovering the Entrance in the Shadow
        of a Dying Bloom
3) VENUS (7:03) (Music & lyrics by M. Roessmann)

4) THE LAST REQUIEM (Music & lyrics by W. Vollmuth)
   a) Looking for Refuge (11:54)
   b) The Prince (8:44)
   c) Armageddon (3:15) (Music by S. Roessmann)

All Bonus-Tracks composed, played
and recorded by Stefan Roessmann
5) Bonjouir, Magnifiques Champs-Elysées (1:40)
6) Notre Dame Tres Honorable (3:45)
7) Le Vivant Montmartre (2:12)
8) Une Promenade sur la Rive de la Seine (3:43)
9) La Vue de la Tour Eiffel (2:50)

From left to right & top to bottom:

Reiner Plattner
      (stage sound)
Wolfgang Vollmuth
      (bass, acoustic guitar, keyboards, vocals)
Michael Roessmann
      (guitar, acoustic guitar, keyboards)
Erwin Hillebrand
Stefan Roessmann
      (drums, acoustic guitar, synthesizers, keyboards)

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